End of the Summer Suggestions? Add your favorites to our Mock Newbery list

Here on Heavy Medal, we’ve been soliciting suggestions of possible Newbery contenders since early 2021. The real Newbery Committee typically submits monthly suggestions right up through December. On this blog, though, we stop this piece in early September, which means this is the last chance to submit.
From September through December, we’ll turn our focus to book discussions. Readers will be able to suggest new titles as part of those conversations, and we’ll also call for monthly nominations in October, November, and December.
We’ll share more details about what’s coming up on Heavy Medal soon, including an introduction to our new blogger, a bit about the Newbery Medal’s 100th Year Celebration, and a timeline for the next several months.
Meanwhile, please add your suggestions in the comments below. You can suggest up to five per month. Titles must be eligible for the 2022 Newbery Medal and already published in print form. For more detailed suggestion guidelines, check this earlier post. The list of suggestions so far is here. Please post yours below by Sunday, September 5th. We’ll share the totals the next day, then start up the official Heavy Medal Mock Newbery season right after that.
Filed under: Suggestions

About Steven Engelfried
Steven Engelfried retired from full-time library work a couple years ago and now works as a part-time Youth Librarian at the West Linn Public Library in Oregon. He served on the 2010 Newbery committee, chaired the 2013 Newbery Committee, and also served on the 2002 Caldecott committee. You can reach him at sengelfried@yahoo.com.
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