Teen Librarian Toolbox
January 21, 2022 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
There were more than 400 attendees at Heavy Medal's live Zoom Mock Newbery webcast where STARFISH won the Heavy Medal Mock Award and AMBER and CLAY claimed an honor.
December 27, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
Laura Amy Schlitz uses many styles and forms of writing to tell the story of Melisto and Rhaskos in the complex work of Amber & Clay.
November 12, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
The "Early Six" list of books for the Heavy Medal Book List have been unveiled. Start reading these titles which will definitely be discussed in-depth leading up to the Newbery announcement.
October 11, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
36 Heavy Medal readers nominated a total of 36 titles for the Mock Newbery in October. Red, White and Whole leads the way, closely followed by Amber and Clay.
September 15, 2021 by Steven Engelfried
The Mock Newbery discussion begins with two unusual historical fiction novels whose characters include Sokrates, a time-traveling cat, the ghost of a young girl, Renaissance painters, and several Greek gods. Do AMBER AND CLAY and DA VINCI'S CAT have the qualities of true Newbery contenders?
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
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