Teen Librarian Toolbox
December 30, 2021 by Steven Engelfried
In THE GENIUS UNDER THE TABLE, Eugene Yelchin's "carefully crafted descriptions, along with his illustrations, paint a vivid picture of a mundane yet harrowing life," according to Heavy Medal Award Committee member Dawn Dvorak. This unique memoir is now up for discussion as part of the Heavy Medal Mock Newbery.
October 18, 2021 by Steven Engelfried
Three excellent authors revisit events from their own childhoods, which include the complications of 8th grade in the 1980s, a young artist's life in the USSR, and a combustible case of sibling rivalry. All three books could be worthy additions to this year's Mock Newbery discussion.
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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