Good Comics for Kids
December 31, 2021 by Steven Engelfried
Now up for discussion in our Heavy Medal Mock Newbery: HARRY VERSUS THE FIRST 100 DAYS OF SCHOOL by Emilyl Jenkins, who brings readers into "a classroom with first graders each day, using children's daily conversations."
November 12, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
The "Early Six" list of books for the Heavy Medal Book List have been unveiled. Start reading these titles which will definitely be discussed in-depth leading up to the Newbery announcement.
September 27, 2021 by Steven Engelfried
Short chapter books don't often fare well in the Newbery, but this year might be different. Here are three books for younger readers that may have all of the literary qualities required to emerge as the most distinguished children's book of the year.
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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