100 Scope Notes
January 8, 2022 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
One of the most loved books on Heavy Medal this season was Red, White, and Whole by Rajani LaRocca. Heavy Medal committee member Andrea Tyler introduces its' strengths.
November 12, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
The "Early Six" list of books for the Heavy Medal Book List have been unveiled. Start reading these titles which will definitely be discussed in-depth leading up to the Newbery announcement.
October 25, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
Realistic historical fiction: novels that read like present day with relatable and lovable characters but are actually set in the past. And these characters are what push RED, WHITE, AND WHOLE and FINDING CLEM into the Newbery possible category.
October 11, 2021 by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
36 Heavy Medal readers nominated a total of 36 titles for the Mock Newbery in October. Red, White and Whole leads the way, closely followed by Amber and Clay.
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
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