Long List Title: ALL’S FAIRE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL (Titles on our long list will be included in our online conversation and balloting, alongside the short list titles.) I’ve been a strong supporter of ALL’S FAIRE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL from the start. I found the plot more compelling, emotionally, than that of REAL FRIENDS, our other […]
Short List Title: ORPHAN ISLAND (Titles on our short list will be included in the live Mock Newbery in Oakland.) There is maybe no more controversial title on our list, and I really look forward to the discussion of this title, here, and in person in Oakland. For the purposes of this post, I’m going to […]
Long List Title: PATINA It is easy to look at Patina and compare it to other books this year. How does Patina, as a character, compare to Starr? To Malu? To Imogene or Shannon in our two graphic novels? I’d love to hear readers thoughts on this. As for me, I think she is an incredibly strong and […]
Short List Title: HELLO, UNIVERSE (Titles on our short list will be included in the live Mock Newbery in Oakland.) Before I go any further, I just want to give everyone a heads-up that I am writing this from Australia, where I am visiting for a couple of weeks. This just means that, depending on where […]
As Roxanne explained yesterday, we are going to start discussing our final long list of titles in a way as similar as possible to the way the real Newbery Committee discusses titles. This is a great time to compare books to each other, and is also an opportunity for everyone to express both the things […]
In December, the real committee submits two more nominations and this is crunch time. It’s the committee’s last chance to nominate titles (unless things come out later in the year) and each member’s last chance to ensure that their choices are on the table for discussion. Here at Heavy Medal we did nominations in October […]
We are so excited to announce our short list today! But before we get to that, let me tell you a little bit about our plans for this list and some of our plans for the blog for the rest of the Newbery season. This short list will be used in the Mock Newbery discussion […]
We haven’t talked too much about picture books yet this year, and I wanted to check in and see where everyone was in terms of picture books with potential. After LAST STOP ON MARKET STREET took the gold, I think we are all thinking even more about the text in picture books and how it […]
What do you call these books in your library? Here, in Oakland, we call them “Moving Up” books. More advanced than easy readers, but not as sophisticated as chapter books. Featuring lots of pictures, but integrating more complex language. In any case – they don’t tend to get a lot of Newbery love. There are […]
Indulge me a little bit with this one, friends, and follow me into this thought experiment. Let’s pretend that the quick arguement I’m about to give in terms of age range of Newbery and this book fully convinces you that the book is eligible. I’m open to arguements that it’s not, but I’d love to […]