Authors Jewell Parker Rhodes, Rebecca Stead, and Gene Luen Yang use distinctly different writing techniques in their recently published Newbery-eligible titles. Join our discussion of how excellence in the area of "appropriateness of style" can contribute to a distinguished children's book.
"Presentation of information" can be a key element of distinguished writing according the Newbery Terms and Criteria. ASTRONAUTS, HONEYBEE, and CONDOR COMEBACK are fine examples of excellent informational books for children from 2020. Is that enough to make them Newbery contenders?
Our Mock-Newbery discussion continues with a look at distinguished settings from this year’s children’s books. We’ll examine the ways in which authors create memorable worlds that include the tenuous environment of the post-Chernobyl Soviet Union, a mountaintop in Depression-era Maine, and a mysterious city filled with magical light.
13 Guest Bloggers will be introducing some of the best children's books of the year on Heavy Medal. Here's the schedule with titles and dates for all Guest Blogger posts.
Distinguished books for children often convey powerful themes in innovative ways. Stellar examples from this year include books that explore peer pressure, child abuse, and the impacts of war. Do any of these books have Newbery Medal potential?
An outspoken girl, and introverted boy, and a dog with "swagger" are among the most memorable characters from the pages of 2020's children's books. Are they distinguished enough to merit consideration for the Newbery Medal?
Heavy Medal readers have created to a long list of possible Newbery contenders over several months. Now's a chance to rank your early favorites. What tops your list of the best children's books of 2020 so far?
The Heavy Medal Mock-Newbery blog returns for a 13th year of discussion about the best children's books of the year. Here's a look ahead at our plans for this year's Newbery discussion process.
Our 7th call for Mock Newbery Suggestions just finished. Check out this widely varied list of this year's children's books that could be part of the conversation for the 2021 Newbery Medal.
Children's books readers are invited to contribute "Suggestions" to Heavy Medal's list of potential contenders for the 2021 Newbery Medal.